Quick-access processes:

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Please select a process first.
Please select a process first.
Please select a process first.
Please select a process first.
Please select a process first.
Please select a process first.
Please select a process first.
Please select a process first.
Please select a process first.
Please select a process first.
The European large scale research initiative BATTERY 2030+ wants to use ontologies, standards and protocols to improve collaboration and innovation in the European battery community. This website is a living database of existing standards and standards yet to establish in the whole battery research and production field.
Our holistic approach is chemistry neutral and doesn’t focus on a specific cell chemistry. It also includes lab scale, pilot line scale and industrial scale battery production. The whole battery production process is shown from “Mining/Recycling/Synthesis” to “Electrochemistry” of the final cell.
Layer 1:
- Layer 1 of the website shows an overview of the process divided in six process categories.
- Each process is determined by Process Parameters (PP) and each process results in a product that is defined by Key Performance Indicators (KPI) which are affecting some or several of the following processes.
- In layer 1 and layer 2 the boxes PP and KPI are not clickable. First, we have to zoom into layer 3. Clicking on one of the categories in layer 1 leads to layer 2. And a click on a process or product on layer 2 leads to layer 3.
- On the left side of layer 1 you also find a quick-access bar with all the processes to jump directly to layer 3.
Layer 2:
- Clicking on one of the six categories in layer 1 leads to layer 2, where all the individual processes are shown as blue boxes as well as the products as grey arrows that are obtained after one process step.
- When you click on a process you get to layer 3 where you get additional information about the process and a list of all the PPs affecting this process.
- Clicking on a product lead to layer 3, with more information about the product and a list of all the KPIs of the product.
- On the left side of layer 2 the PPs that are affecting the process in the middle are shown.
- The right side of layer 2 shows KPIs that are measured on the products and are affecting the following processes.
Layer 3:
- When you click on a process on layer 2 or on the quick-access bar on layer 1 you get to layer 3 where you get additional information about the process and a list of all the PPs affecting this process. The previous product and process as well as the following product and process are also shown as overview.
- By clicking on a product on layer 2 you get to layer 3 where you get additional information about the product and a list of all the KPIs measured on this product. The previous process and product as well as the following process and product are also shown as overview.
- When you click on one of the PPs on layer 3 of a process you get to layer 4 with additional information for this PP like unit, category, description, measuring techniques and standards.
- After clicking on one of the KPIs on layer 3 of a product you get to layer 4 with additional information for this KPI like unit, category, description, measuring techniques and standards. You also get a list of all following processes affected by this KPI.
Link to Wiki:
- Some processes, products, KPIs, PPs and measuring techniques have a link to a Wiki page with even more information and literature references.
This website is only possible with the contribution of the whole European battery community. If you have suggestions for further improvements of the website or you know additional measuring techniques or standards for a PP or KPI in the process please write a mail to info@celest.com.