Workshop „Future Skills for the Battery Industry“

For the first time, a joint workshop was organized by Cluster Electric Mobility South-West c/o e-mobil BW GmbH & CELEST - Center for Electrochemical Energy Storage | Ulm & Karlsruhe during the Battery Show Europe in Stuttgart focusing on „Future Skills for the Battery Industry“.

The event kicked off with talks by Prof. Dr. Maximilian Fichtner on „Current developments in battery technology and future prospects“ and an overview of current flagship projects QualiBatt BW, Voltage & Project TRIREME by e-mobil BW GmbH, The Gothenburg Region, Business Region Göteborg AB, Stuttgart Region, Economic Development Corporation (WRS). The talks were followed by interactive workshops focusing on „Battery value chain: current challenges, urgently needed skills and "meaningful" support for training and further education“, „Automotive sector key trends: shared understanding of skills, occupations and training development“ and „Graduate training across the entire spectrum of electrochemical energy storage: dialogue formats between science and industry“.

During the workshop, insights in what skills are needed from university graduates in the battery industry and which formats are most valuable were gained.